• hace 6 años
The race celebrates its day. Buenos Aires jubilantly celebrates the discovery of America. The presence of the Spanish Chancellor, Alberto Martin Artajo Alvarez, guest of honor of the government and Argentine people, lends singular prominence to the acts. The President of the Republic, Secretaries of State, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, the diplomatic corps and senior leaders of the Armed Forces of the Nation are retiring from the cathedral. Back at the Casa Rosada, General Peron and his retinue receive affectionate demonstrations from the public stationed in the Plaza de Mayo. The respective wives of the first president and the Hispanic minister alternate in animated groups in the balconies. Timely the commander of the troops formed there request the vein to start the parade. It is headed by the naval school with its characteristic feature. Behind him, the soldiers of the military school march in impeccable style. The bizarre cadets of both institutes are applauded affectionately closing the brilliant parade the grenadiers who are greeted by a unanimous ovation. So we can tell Spain through your chancellor here are your children remembering you. (Noticiero Sucesos Argentinos)
Date: 12/10/1948
Duration: 1 minute 56 seconds
Film code: DV-09606

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