Military coup in Peru - Juan Francisco Velasco Alvarado assumes 1968

  • hace 5 años
Report on the Military Coup in Peru. Image of war tanks guarding the Government Palace. People gathered in the street. Cover of a newspaper with the headline - "Tanks in Palace take out Belaunde, the magnitude of the coup is ignored". Clashes and discussions take place in a room, then they are forcibly removed from the residence. They repress with tear gas the students who were demonstrating in a street. Image of a car burning. Soldiers scatter the protesters. Image of an Army officer conducting a conference. Assumes General Juan Francisco Velasco Alvarado as president of Peru. (Without sound)
Reference: The new governors frustrated yesterday at noon the attempt of about 5 thousand university students to give impulse to a movement against them, by means of a public manifestation. The youths could not achieve their mission when they were dispersed by tear gas and one of the demonstrators, who has not been identified, was shot dead by the police. Armored vehicles remain parked in front of the National Palace, but the tanks used in the Coup are not in sight. Belaunde is in Argentina, where he is treated as a political asylum, and has received an offer to move to Bolivia, also as an asylee. The revolutionary junta of government integrated its first cabinet, composed entirely of military, namely: Chairman of the board, division general Juan Velasco Alvarado; Prime Minister and Minister of War, division general Ernesto Montagne Sanchez; of Foreign Relations, general of division Edgardo Mercado Jarrin; de Fomento, division general Alberto Maldonado Yanks; of Education, division general Alfredo Arrisueño Cornejo; of Agriculture, general of brigade Jose Benavidez; of Government, Brigadier Armando Artola Azcarate; of the Treasury, General Angel Valdivia Maribona; of Work, General Rolando Gilardi; of Aeronautica, Lieutenant General Alberto Lopez Causillas; of Public Health, major Eduardo Montero; de Marina, Vice Admiral Raul Rios Pardo de Zela; and of Justice, Rear Admiral Alfonso Navarro. (Source: Diario EL LITORAL of Santa Fe)
Date: 4/10/1968
Duration: 1 minute 33 seconds
Film code: B-16214

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