Nearly Half of US College Graduates Don't Think It's Worth It

  • 5 years ago
Nearly Half of US College Graduates
Don't Think It's Worth It A new poll from GOBankingRates says 42% of Americans
don't believe college is worth attending. The poll goes on to say that nearly 90%
of respondents don't regret going to college. This is because they credit school degrees to why they now have working careers. Only 3% in the poll say they
completely regret going to college. A little over 25% don't regret it, but say they
would have picked a new education major. In that category, millennials were
slightly above Generation Z and X. In addition the older the respondent,
the more positive a view one had of college. 90% of seniors claimed they had
no regrets about anything. This is due to younger age groups blaming student debt for holding them back financially. Over 45 million people in the
U.S. owe money from college.
