Power of Communication: Words are POWERFUL!

  • 5 years ago
Can the right words change the destiny of a person?

At OmniDigit, we love creating videos addressing Leadership and Entrepreneurship skills.

In this video, we will talk about choosing the right words can encourage a child to grow up into a successful human being.



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00:04When Thomas Edison was a small boy, one day he came back from school,
00:08And he said to his mother
00:09"My teacher has given me this letter to give it to you and has asked
00:13me not to open this letter." His mother took the letter
00:16and opened the letter.
00:17And then Edison asked his mother- what is in this letter that you're reading?
00:22And she said with tears in her eyes
00:24"Your son is a genius
00:27This school is too small for him.
00:30You need to find a better place for him."
00:33Years later,
00:35when Thomas Edison became very successful, he was going through his closet.
00:39And he found the folded letter in his closet.
00:41Upon reading the letter,
00:44tears came in his eyes.
00:46Do you know what it was written that letter?
00:48The letter read- "your son is mentally ill.
00:52We cannot educate him anymore here.
00:55He's expelled from the school."
01:00Thomas Edison Invented two major items. One, the phonograph, which
01:04was the first
01:06instrument that could record and replay sound. And the light bulb.
01:09Edison wrote in his memoir later-
01:11"Thomas Edison was a mentally ill boy. His mother turned him into a genius."
01:16The moral of the story is that if Edison's mother had told him at that
01:20point of time, when he had given the letter to his
01:22mother, that "you are mentally ill",
01:24Edison might not have had become a successful inventor or a scientist.
01:28the mother's love and upbringing changed the destiny of the child.
01:34Important thing to remember here is that when you're giving a message to
01:37someone, please make sure it's encouraging.
01:39Leaders need to encourage the people who follow them.
01:42They need to use the right messaging, the right communication, and the right words.
01:45For more such tips, log on to www.omnidigit.com
01:49Leave us your feedback below, and make sure that you subscribe to our channel,
01:53So we can create better content like this.
