TV-G | 30min | Comedy, Drama, Family, TV Series | Episode aired 3 October 1952
Ozzie and Harriet Nelson raise their two sons Ricky and David. As the sons age, they experience teenage dating problems, marriage and careers. In this episode, David has a rival, and his name is Will Thornberry - his next door neighbor.
Director: Ozzie Nelson
Writers: Bill Davenport, Ben Gershman
Stars: Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Nelson, David Nelson, Ricky Nelson
Ozzie and Harriet Nelson raise their two sons Ricky and David. As the sons age, they experience teenage dating problems, marriage and careers. In this episode, David has a rival, and his name is Will Thornberry - his next door neighbor.
Director: Ozzie Nelson
Writers: Bill Davenport, Ben Gershman
Stars: Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Nelson, David Nelson, Ricky Nelson
00:00Pop Point Quality Appliances presents America's favorite family comedy, The Adventures of
00:26Ozzie and Harriet, starring the entire Nelson family, Ozzie, Harriet, David, and Ricky.
00:32Here is Ozzie, who plays the part of Ozzie Nelson.
00:35And of course, his lovely wife Harriet, as Harriet Nelson.
00:38The older of the Nelson boys, David, appears as David Nelson, and his younger brother,
00:43the irrepressible Ricky, played by Ricky Nelson.
00:47The Nelsons' next door neighbor, Thorny, is played by Don DeFore.
00:51He's so conceited, David.
00:56Conceited? Who's conceited?
00:58You are.
00:59I am not.
01:00Say, Will Farmberry doesn't stand a chance against you.
01:03So what? Does that make me conceited?
01:05Well, what else do you call it?
01:06You wouldn't understand, Half-Pint.
01:08Oh, yeah?
01:10What the heck is going on here?
01:13I'm sorry, Pop.
01:15Why don't you watch where you're throwing the ball, wise guy?
01:17Who you calling a wise guy, smart guy?
01:20Who you calling a smart guy, wise guy?
01:23Oh, come on, fellas. You sound like a couple of wild men.
01:26Oh, we aren't really mad, Pop.
01:28You just don't know us very well.
01:30There's an old saying, you know, blood is thicker than water.
01:33I'd like to see you guys on the same side just once.
01:36David says Will Farmberry doesn't stand a chance against him.
01:39Stop arguing. You heard, Pop. We got the same blood in us.
01:42No wonder I'm so little. David's been using it all up.
01:45Come on, cut it out now. That's the kind of stuff that brings on the arguments.
01:48Why don't you guys go on outside and play football if you're going to play?
01:51Come on, let's go over and get Will.
01:53And don't start arguing with Will, either. He's a nice boy and he's our neighbor.
01:56He's not using our blood, too, is he?
01:58Oh, Ricky, don't be such a sap.
02:00How can I help it? I got the same blood as you.
02:03And don't start arguing with each other all over the neighborhood.
02:06You won't, Pop.
02:07Not unless you start it, egghead.
02:09Who you calling an egghead, muttonhead?
02:11Who you calling a muttonhead, chowderhead?
02:13And don't slam...
02:16What did you say, Pop?
02:17Never mind.
02:23What was the big argument all about?
02:25Which one? There are about four going on at the same time.
02:29What have you got there?
02:31Oh, just making some Toll House cookies.
02:33Say, before I forget it, who is Nancy Baker?
02:36Nancy Baker?
02:38I don't know. I never heard of her. Why do you ask?
02:41Well, she called here today.
02:43Nancy Baker.
02:45Name doesn't mean a thing to me.
02:49Unless it could have...
02:51No, no, no, it couldn't be.
02:53Couldn't be what?
02:55Well, there was this girl on the bus yesterday morning and
02:59she had these big heavy bundles and...
03:02so I got up and gave her my seat.
03:06What's wrong with that? It seemed like the courteous thing to do.
03:09I didn't say anything.
03:10I know, but you're looking at me so darn funny.
03:13What did she look like?
03:16Well, she had brown wavy hair
03:20and a rather nice smile and big blue eyes.
03:24Well, I don't know. I hardly noticed her.
03:29Besides, it couldn't possibly have been this girl.
03:31She doesn't even know my right... or any name for that matter,
03:34let alone my phone number.
03:36Maybe it was somebody calling up for a gag.
03:38You know, it could have been Thorney.
03:39He gives that wonderful impersonation of Betty Davis.
03:42No, this is really a girl.
03:44She sounded very young and pretty, too.
03:47You sure this girl on the bus didn't worm your name and phone number out of you?
03:51Harry, this is ridiculous.
03:53Just because a guy shows a little courtesy to a girl on a bus?
03:56And there were no other girls during the week?
03:58This was the only one, unfortunately.
04:03No, honestly, scouts honor.
04:05The only girl.
04:06It's all right, dear. I believe you.
04:12I wonder where this girl got my phone number.
04:15You sure she asked for me?
04:17No, I didn't say she asked for you.
04:19She asked for David.
04:21I just wanted to worry you a little.
04:23Well, that's a fine trick to play on a guy.
04:25Oh, who are you kidding? You enjoyed every minute of it.
04:29Yeah, I was really living it up there for a minute, wasn't I?
04:35What did she want with David?
04:37Well, she said something about a dance at the school next Saturday.
04:41She's coming over later this afternoon.
04:42I'd better get these cookies in the oven.
04:45Well, just a second.
04:46Don't you think David's a little young to be taking girls to dances?
04:49Oh, I don't know.
04:50I mean, after all, he's only 15.
04:52I didn't even start thinking about girls until I was...
04:57Well, I'm sure I didn't take any girls to dances until I was at least...
05:02It's funny, David hasn't shown an interest in girls before this.
05:08I was wondering why he hasn't mentioned his little girlfriend to me.
05:11He hasn't said a word.
05:12Well, what's so strange about that?
05:14Well, he usually talks things over with me.
05:16Oh, well, you gotta face it, dear.
05:18Face what?
05:19Well, there comes a time when a boy stops talking things over with his mother
05:23and starts talking them over with his father.
05:25I think you're rushing things a little.
05:28Yeah, I was just thinking of something.
05:30If David's gonna have little girls phoning him and chasing after him,
05:33maybe it might be a good idea if I sort of had a little chat with him
05:37and taught him a few of the little tricks that his old dad used to use
05:40when the girls were chasing after me.
05:45That's marvelous.
05:46I have a feeling that this little Nancy Baker is smarter than you think.
05:50She mentioned something about Will Thornberry.
05:52I think David has a rival.
05:54Oh, so that's what David was talking about.
05:57What's this?
05:58Well, a little while ago, David said something to Ricky
06:00about Will's not standing a chance against him.
06:02I never dreamed it was a girl they were talking about.
06:05Oh, so he really is interested in her, huh?
06:08You wait till I see him.
06:09Oh, now, Harriet, don't you start embarrassing the poor kid.
06:12Well, after all, if he's gonna start taking little girls to dances,
06:15I wanna hear about it.
06:16Will you listen to me, please?
06:17I know boys.
06:19I was one myself.
06:21Yes, I know. Your mother told me.
06:24Well, it's just that I know the pattern.
06:26Now, the first thing he's gonna do is deny any interest in girls whatsoever.
06:30He'll claim he'd rather play football or anything.
06:35Come on in, Thorny.
06:37Hi, Harriet.
06:38Oh, hi, Oz.
06:39Hiya, Thorny.
06:40Come on in, old boy.
06:42Well, helping Harry out in the kitchen, Oz?
06:44No, but it's not a bad idea.
06:46Did you come over here to make trouble, Thorny?
06:48Sorry, Oz, it was a mean thing to say.
06:50Especially since I just ducked out of our kitchen in time myself.
06:53Look, if you two are gonna loaf, you go in the other room and do it
06:55because I got work to do here.
06:57You know, Thorny, I have a hunch we're not wanted around here.
07:00You know, I think you're right.
07:01You don't have to knock me over the knuckles with a wooden spoon.
07:04See, you gotta watch that Harriet.
07:05She gets pretty vicious at times.
07:08Come on in, Thorny, and have a seat.
07:11You know, Oz, I just found out a very interesting thing about my boy, Will, today.
07:15Oh, what's that?
07:16Well, this may be hard to believe,
07:17but Will has finally reached the age where he's beginning to notice girls.
07:20Well, I've got news for you, Thorny.
07:22It seems that David has his eye on the very same little girl.
07:25Oh, you're kidding, Oz.
07:28Well, that's not very fair to David.
07:30Just what do you mean by that?
07:31Well, if Will's anything like his old man, he's devastating to women.
07:34Poor little David won't stand a chance.
07:36Oh, I'm sorry, Thorny, but I find that rather hard to believe.
07:40Oh, really, Oz?
07:41It's too bad I'm not a braggart.
07:43Because if I were, I could tell you about all the girls who used to chase me around.
07:46Well, plenty of girls used to chase me around, too.
07:49I know, but the girls that chased me didn't throw rocks.
07:53Well, I was a pretty popular guy in school, Thorny.
07:56You know, I remember once I was going steady with three different girls at the same time.
08:02You know, that happened to me.
08:03But it was four girls.
08:06Wait a minute, let me think for a moment.
08:10Oh, by golly, I was wrong, Thorny.
08:12It was five girls.
08:13Now, just a second, Oz.
08:14Let's be honest with each other.
08:15Now, how many girls did you really go steady with?
08:19Only one.
08:21That's what I thought.
08:24Then how many did you really go steady with?
08:31And now my little boy is following in his dad's footsteps.
08:35Yeah, it's really frightening the way they grow up.
08:39You know, it's hard to believe those kids will be graduating from high school in a couple of years, isn't it?
08:45The next thing will be college.
08:47Yeah, it's kind of hard to realize David's going to college.
08:53Maybe medical school for Will.
08:55He shows a definite talent for medicine.
08:57I think David will probably go to law school.
09:00He's always been more or less interested in law.
09:03Some pretty tough courses.
09:05We got pretty smart kids.
09:08That's for sure.
09:09Well, it'll be just about Will's senior year when he meets the girl.
09:13You know, the real girl.
09:14Like I met Catherine.
09:17Yeah, it'll happen to David too.
09:20And then comes the wedding.
09:23Gee, they won't have very much money to start with.
09:25Will just out of medical school and all.
09:27Oh, young people always find a way, Thorny.
09:29They'll get by, okay.
09:31Yeah, I know.
09:32But there's no sense in the kids starting right out on their own.
09:34We got plenty of room at our house.
09:36Gee, why couldn't they spend a little time with us anyway?
09:40Yeah, well, I'd like it for Harriet's sake.
09:42They stayed with us and David and his wife could save their money for a home of their own.
09:49You know, Oz, Will getting married, going to medical school, that's pretty exciting.
09:54But I understand the biggest thrill, the thing you always remember, is that first grandchild.
10:01My first grandchild.
10:06Say, is it a little too drafty for you there?
10:09Well, it is a little chilly, Oz.
10:11Would you like me to get a shawl and throw it across your shoulders?
10:14No, no, no, that's all right. I'll be running along anyway.
10:17I think I'll take a little nap this afternoon.
10:20Want me to walk across the lawn with you?
10:22The grass is kind of wet and it's pretty treacherous rounding the hedge.
10:27No, that's okay, Oz.
10:29Well, I'll be seeing you, old-timer.
10:30No, no, no, don't get up.
10:32I know my way around this house as if it were my own.
10:35And that's the way I always want you to think of it, old-timer.
10:38As your second home.
10:39And I know Mother and the boys feel the same way about it.
10:43Well, it's mighty nice of you, Oz.
10:45Of course, you know the same goes for you, too.
10:47Well, we old-timers have to stick together.
10:51That's the spirit.
10:55Well, goodbye, Zarny.
10:57No, not goodbye, Oz.
10:59Just till we meet again.
11:10David, Ricky.
11:11Hi, Mom.
11:12Don't go away.
11:13Lunch is practically ready and David has to get dressed.
11:15Get dressed?
11:16You mean dressed up?
11:17Well, yes.
11:18You want to look nice when Nancy gets here.
11:21Well, your little girlfriend, Nancy Baker.
11:22She phoned.
11:23Nancy Baker phoned here?
11:25Well, yes, dear.
11:26I thought you knew.
11:27She's coming over this afternoon.
11:28Well, what's the big idea?
11:29Well, she said something about a dance at the school next Saturday.
11:32I'm supposed to play football this afternoon.
11:34Well, you're not going to dance, are you?
11:37I'm supposed to play football this afternoon.
11:39Nancy Baker.
11:42Ricky, stop that.
11:43He's never even seen her.
11:45Oh, but I will this afternoon.
11:47Oh, now, wait a minute, young man.
11:48You're not going to hang around while Nancy's here.
11:50Remember, she's coming for David.
11:52She can have him, boy.
11:53I wish he would stay.
11:54I'm supposed to play football.
11:56Well, she's not going to stay all afternoon, dear.
11:58Golly, I hope not.
12:00I don't know why you take that attitude.
12:02Don't you like her?
12:03Harriet, stop pumping the boy.
12:05I'm not pumping him.
12:07What's the matter with her, David?
12:09Oh, she's all right, I guess.
12:10Except she thinks she's pretty good.
12:12Just because she gets all A's in report card.
12:15Just because she's the prettiest girl in school.
12:17Well, if that were me, I'd think I was pretty good, too.
12:21What does she look like?
12:23Oh, she has brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and a nice smile.
12:27Uh, does her mother ever ride the bus?
12:29Ozzie, don't change the subject.
12:31I was just wondering.
12:34I'll bet she's a lovely girl.
12:36She sounds perfectly adorable.
12:39You boys better go wash your hands now.
12:41Lunch is almost ready.
12:42I don't think I'll have any lunch, Mom.
12:44Now you see, Harriet, you've upset the boy.
12:46Oh, I'm all right, Pop.
12:47I'm just getting in training.
12:48I don't think I'll have any lunch either, Mom.
12:50Well, what's the matter with you?
12:52This whole thing has made me sick.
12:54Oh, that'll be enough now.
12:55You just go wash your hands.
12:57Shall we adjourn to the powder room, dearie?
13:01Go on, both of you guys.
13:02Beat it.
13:05Oh, by the way, Harriet, if you have nothing for me to do,
13:07I'll, uh, think I'll go upstairs and kind of dress up a little bit, too.
13:10Do I have a clean shirt somewhere?
13:12Well, you're not going to change your clothes, too, are you?
13:15Well, I just thought I'd put on a dark suit and maybe a different necktie.
13:20Well, what's the idea?
13:21Well, you want me to look presentable, don't you?
13:24Believe me, dear, I've met Nancy's mother at the PTA.
13:27She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she's not coming over here this afternoon.
13:31Are you sure?
13:33Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat.
13:35How do I look?
13:59How's my hair look in the back?
14:01Fine, fine.
14:03I think you're going to enter a beauty contest or something.
14:06My mom says I've got to look presentable.
14:26What the heck are you going to do?
14:28It doesn't look like I'm going to do.
14:30Looks like you're going to shave.
14:32You're exactly right, sonny boy.
14:34Are you kidding? I've got more fuzz on each grate.
14:53I don't know. I didn't want to look at this.
15:05Did you cut yourself yet?
15:07Of course not. Folks are disappointed.
15:31That was pretty good.
15:34Yeah, it was pretty good, wasn't it?
15:36I think next time I'll try it with a blade.
15:46David had better hurry, Nancy. He'll probably be here any minute.
15:49Well, he's getting dressed now.
15:50Is he still resisting the idea?
15:52I rather think so. He was singing the Prisoner song in the shower a moment ago.
15:56Well, I'm glad you got him to take a shower.
15:58Oh, he's combing his hair. He's got a new white shirt on.
16:00He's even borrowed my best necktie.
16:02Well, that's good. I want him to look nice.
16:04Excuse me, dear.
16:06Thorny will probably have his kid all decked out in a new blue suit,
16:09white carnation in the lapel,
16:11probably teaching him some of that corny poetry of his.
16:14Well, why should Thorny care?
16:15Well, he wants his kid to show David up.
16:17Sounds ridiculous.
16:18Well, Thorny's a pretty ridiculous guy at times.
16:21Oh, what are you doing?
16:23I just got an idea.
16:25I thought maybe I'd teach David a couple of tunes on the ukulele.
16:29Ooh, uh, maybe Yes Sir, That's My Baby or Somebody Stole My Gal.
16:34Oh, no, no, not that one.
16:35I'm sure he'll do all right, dear.
16:39Well, it's just a question of family pride.
16:41I don't want Will Thornberry coming over here with his silk shirt
16:44and his fancy poetry and his white carnation
16:47taking David's girl away from him.
16:49I want to make sure Nancy goes to the dance with David.
16:51Well, she probably will, dear.
16:52Don't forget, David's a very nice boy.
16:54He's a nice-looking boy, too.
16:56He's got your hair, your eyes, your nose, and my necktie.
17:01Oh, that's probably Nancy.
17:02Now, you answer the door, and I'll see if David's ready.
17:09Well, hello there.
17:11I'm Nancy Baker.
17:12Are you Mr. Nelson?
17:13Yes, I am.
17:14Won't you come in, Nancy?
17:16My, you certainly have a lovely home.
17:18Oh, thanks.
17:19David will be down in just a moment.
17:20He's been out playing football all morning.
17:22He's a very athletic boy, you know.
17:23Yes, I know he is.
17:24Yes, we try to encourage that.
17:26Some boys like old poetry, for instance,
17:28but David is strictly an outdoor man.
17:31Won't you sit down, Nancy?
17:33I see you live next to the Thornberrys.
17:35I know Will Thornberry very well.
17:37Oh, you know little old Will?
17:38Yes, he's a very nice boy.
17:40Yeah, Will is a, he's a very sweet little fellow.
17:43Well, this is Nancy, I presume.
17:45So nice of you to come.
17:47This is Mrs. Nelson, Nancy.
17:48How do you do?
17:49David will be right down.
17:51You certainly have a lovely home.
17:54David does most of the gardening for us, you know.
17:56He's a very handy boy to have around the house.
18:06Hello, Nancy.
18:07Hello, David.
18:08Why don't you sit down on the couch next to Nancy, David?
18:11Yes, I'll go make some lemonade.
18:16How'd the football game go this morning, son?
18:18We were only tossing the ball around, Pa.
18:20It wasn't really a game.
18:23You ought to see David throw those passes, Nancy.
18:25He really uncorked some long ones.
18:27I'm not very good yet.
18:30Yes, dear?
18:31Will you come help me squeeze the lemon, please?
18:36Well, okay.
18:37Pardon me a moment, Nancy.
18:40Your father's a very nice man.
18:42Yeah, Pop's a swole guy.
18:46Your mother's a very nice woman.
18:48Yeah, well, I'm swole too.
18:52Do you have anybody else in your family?
18:54Well, yeah, I have a dog and a little brother.
18:59What's his name?
19:02Your brother's name is Chief?
19:04That's a dog's name.
19:06My brother's name is Ricky.
19:10You certainly have a lovely home.
19:15I guess you're wondering why I came over.
19:17Yeah, I was.
19:18Well, some of the girls decided to have a dance next Saturday.
19:22Yes, do you like dancing?
19:23I really don't do very much of it.
19:26We're going to do the Charleston.
19:28That's a new dance step.
19:29Oh, yeah, they do it in all the movies on television.
19:32Who's this?
19:33It's my little brother, Ricky.
19:35I think he's cute.
19:36He is not.
19:37I am too.
19:39Can you really tap dance, Ricky?
19:41Sure, I can sing too.
19:44You'll have to come over and listen to me sing in the bathtub sometime.
19:47Hey, Ricky, Mom's calling you.
19:49I don't hear her.
19:50Hey, Mom.
19:51Yes, David?
19:52Would you call Ricky, please?
19:54Hey, that's cheating.
19:55Ricky, come help your father help me squeeze the lemon.
19:58What for?
19:59For about 15 minutes.
20:01Come on, now.
20:02I'll be back a little later, Nick.
20:08Your little brother's very nice.
20:10Nice of you to say so.
20:13You're welcome.
20:16You certainly have a lovely home.
20:22Uh, we're each supposed to ask a boy.
20:24What's this?
20:25To the dance next Saturday.
20:28Don't you think dancing's a lot of fun?
20:30Oh, dancing's all right, but I like football better.
20:33Well, football's all right, but I like dancing better.
20:37Only guys like football.
20:40I'm a girl.
20:42Yeah, I guess you are.
20:46I imagine you'd be very good.
20:48I know I need a lot of practice on my passing.
20:50I mean, you'd be a very good dancer.
20:52Oh, thanks.
20:57Oh, hello, Ricky.
20:59Well, goodbye.
21:05It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
21:07Yes, well...
21:10You certainly have a lovely home.
21:15Yes, we're each supposed to ask a boy.
21:17You asked anyone yet?
21:18Not yet.
21:21Were you gonna say something?
21:24Go ahead.
21:27Well, you certainly have a lovely home here.
21:40Where's David, Harriet?
21:42Oh, he went over to the playground to play football.
21:44Oh, good.
21:45Nancy seemed like a very nice little girl, didn't she?
21:47Didn't she, though?
21:49How do you think she and David got along?
21:51Oh, just fine, I guess.
21:53When I came in here with the lemonade, they were sitting there on the couch just listening.
21:56Listening to the radio?
21:58No, Ricky singing.
21:59Oh, now, don't tell me he was interrupting them here.
22:02No, David seemed sort of glad to have the company.
22:05I think he's pretty fond of Nancy, though.
22:07He didn't drink any of his lemonade.
22:10Nancy didn't drink hers, either.
22:12That's the first time I've ever heard of lemonade going to waste.
22:14Oh, it wasn't wasted.
22:15Ricky drank all three glasses.
22:19Well, at least it interrupted his singing.
22:21No, by this time, he was tap dancing.
22:25Hi, Mom, Pa.
22:26I get good news.
22:27Well, you sure look happy.
22:28What happened, son?
22:29I won out over Will Thornberry.
22:31Well, congratulations.
22:33How about that, Harriet?
22:34Thorny in his old poetry.
22:37When did this happen?
22:39Just a while ago.
22:40I only beat him by one vote, too.
22:41It was pretty close.
22:42How about one vote?
22:45Well, who voted?
22:46All the guys on the team.
22:48What team?
22:50Our football team.
22:51They elected me captain.
22:52Well, that's fine, dear, but what about Nancy Baker?
22:55Oh, they don't have any girls on the team, Mom.
22:57No, no.
22:58Aren't you going to take Nancy to the dance Saturday?
23:00I can't, Pop.
23:01That's the day of our first game.
23:03You mean Will Thornberry's going to take her?
23:05Oh, no.
23:06He's our fullback.
23:07She tried to get him to take a friend of ours.
23:09Oh, well, this is terrible.
23:10The poor little girl won't have anybody to take her to the dance.
23:13Sure she has, Mom.
23:15Well, you just said you and Will were going to play football.
23:18We are, but she's got a guy to take her.
23:20Well, who's going to take her?
23:22Hey, Mom?
23:23Yes, dear?
23:24Would you teach me how to do the Charleston?
23:32Oh, Harriet, have you seen Ricky?
23:35Oh, he was here just a minute ago.
23:36He was reading a book.
23:38Reading a book?
23:39You sure it was Ricky?
23:40I believe so.
23:43What kind of a book was it?
23:44I don't know.
23:45I didn't ask him.
23:46It was a book with a great cover.
23:47Oh, it was probably that sports digest I got him for his birthday.
23:53What's this?
23:55That's it.
23:58Well, no, this isn't the book I gave him.
23:59Yeah, wait.
24:01Poems of Love and Inspiration.
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