• 5 years ago
This simple process can help remove plaque buildup and prevent gum diseases. All you need is oil, extra-virgin coconut oil will work well, as it contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that cut down on mouth bacteria. Swish 1 tablespoon of melted coconut oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure not to gargle or swallow it. Spit it out. You can even oil pull while you’re in the shower or making your coffee. Repeat daily for best results.
3. Baking Soda When it comes to natural at-home plaque removal, baking soda is the age old tool that won’t break the bank. Dip your wet toothbrush in some baking soda and brush, as simple as that!
4. Guava fruit and leaves work wonders for the prevention of that pesky bacteria that like to hold fast to your teeth and gums. These anti-plaque agents help remove plaque that has already settled in along with containing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties; this fruit is a no-brainer for mouth health. One way to get the benefits of this amazing guava is to wash a couple of tender guava leaves, chew them to a pulp and spit them out, rinse your mouth well.

Aloe vera
Green tea

Last but not least, your diet also plays an important role in your dental health. People with a vitamin C deficiency may have gum problems such as swelling and bleeding. In these cases, it’s recommended that you eat foods that are rich in vitamin C, or take vitamin C supplements. And, of course, don't forget that these natural remedies are only effective when they’re paired with good oral hygiene habits.

Visit blog - https://www.healthsoothe.com/2018/09/11-steps-to-get-rid-of-gum-disease-at-home.html

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Natures cure
