How To Deadlift Safely and Effectively

  • 5 years ago
The deadlift is an excellent ‘hinge’ movement that has a multitude of benefits but also has the potential to cause injury if performed poorly.

The latter factor means that this great overall movement is often shied away from. However, with a few tweaks, this classic compound move will help improve performance, build muscle, shed fat and banish back pain.

Here’s how to perform the deadlift safely and effectively:

1. Approach the bar and stand over it. Your shins should be just behind it and your midfoot underneath.
2. Stand hip-width apart with your toes pointing slightly outwards.
3. Push your hips backwards, lower yourself to the bar and grip it with intent - about shoulder width apart - with your arms vertical.
4. Bend your knees so that your shins move forward, just shy of touching the bar.
5. Lift your chest to bring your back into a good position (neutral/slight extension).
6. While gripping the bar think about rotating your arms outwards and pull your shoulder blades together creating lots of tension.
7. Slightly tuck your chin in and maintain this throughout the movement (don't admire your work by looking up into the mirror).
8. Take a deep breath and attack the floor by accelerating into it. Think about pushing into the floor as you pull the bar up (while keeping the arms straight and shoulder blades set).
9. Stand straight, driving the chest and hips forward. Don’t lean back at the top.
10. Return to the floor by keeping tension and unlocking the hips and knees.

DO NOT round your lower back.
DO NOT let your arms roll forward and upper back round.
DO NOT let your knees drop in.