Passengers bake in scorching heat on Russian flight from hell

  • 6 years ago
NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA — Passengers on a Russian flight endured sauna-like temperatures after the plane's ac malfunctioned. Talk about a flight from hell.

One traveler told Ren TV that when he boarded the Siberian Airlines S7 plane in Novosibirsk, the air from the ventilation system was hot. He complained to a flight attendant, but was assured everything would be alright.

The plane stayed on the tarmac for 30 more minutes, hot air blowing the entire time. Even worse was when the cabin started to smell like burning wires.

Cool air finally began to circulate after take-off, but it didn't last long. Pretty soon, passengers were back to baking as inside temps got up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

Two women got sick on the flight and had to be moved to the cabin crew area where it was cooler.

The boiling heat in the cabin continued for the remainder of the two-hour flight to Yekaterinburg, which passengers say was the worst flight of their lives.

S7 hasn't revealed what went wrong with the aircraft, but a spokesperson claims its currently being investigated.


