
  • 6 years ago
MUST SEE VIDEO!! Finally, here is the ultimate rational and logical proofs for the existence of God and afterlife. The science has proved that what we experience in our brain as light, sound, touch, smell, taste are mere electrical signals. The reality of what we call the original “matter” as firmly believed by our beloved atheists that “to be existing out side our brain” can’t be known through our 5 senses. We are experiencing only electrical signals in our brain.

For example, when we observe a burning candle in front of us, what we actually perceive is the mere electrical signals. The light of candle will never illuminate inside area of our skull and center of vision at the back of our brain. There is no entry for light to interior parts of our brain. Please note that Inside of our brain remains dark through out our life. It means that we are actually observing a bright, colorful candle light from inside the “dark room” of our brain.

Our experience of physical world merely a perception similar to a dream during our sleep. As per the laws of logical reasoning, everything that can be seen or touched with the hand is real. In our dreams too we can see and touch matter. During our dreams, our body is stationary but we run, jump, experience fear, happiness, sorrow etc. in the same way as of the physical world. It is only when we wake up from a dream come to know that it was only a dream. There is no logical reasons to reject that “real life” can’t be a dream. It is logically possible to have a dream with in an extended dream called “real life”. The reason why we think dream is fancy while “real life” is real is nothing but a product of of prejudices and habits that were formed since our birth.

So, the question is WHO is experiencing this electrical signals in ONE’S brain? It is not the brain. Brain is a physical object. Brain is is a perception like any other object such as our hands, legs, fingers, people, earth, universe etc,- which are all mere electrical signals.
Video thumbnail credits: http://www.techandfacts.com/

Does God exist? Is God Real? Is There A God? Also visit:

First video credit: Harun Yahya https://www.harun-yahya.net/
