The Human Eye: The Engineering Marvel Of Self-Maintained, Auto Focus, Auto Iris Video Camera

  • 8 years ago
Imagine a self-maintained, autofocus, auto iris video camera. Do you accept it if anyone claims that such a camera came into existence accidentally and randomly and no man made it? Then what is the rational and logical plausibility of the assumption of our beloved atheists that eyes originated accidentally and randomly by blind laws of physics or by mere natural processes of millions of years of evolution?
DOES GOD EXIST? Our beloved atheists don’t trust that there is a God. According to them, God is created by human beings. Meanwhile, is there any simple, common-sense proof(s) for the existence of God? Read the article: This article may change your life!

VIDEO COURTESY: Bausch and Lomb,

The video related words: Biology, animation, human, eye, engineering, marvel, self-maintained, autofocus, auto iris, video, camera, comparison, optical, instrument, equipment, image, complexity, Atheism, God, Gods, believe, Agnosticism, rational, atheists, beliefs, tenets, information, designed, designer, Agnostics, gaps, arguments, meaningful, religion, reasons, existence, exist, proof, best, created, creation, creationism, Darwin, Dawkins, death, design, die, does, evidence, evil, evolution, Harris, Hitchens, imaginary, intelligent, is, Life, live, meaning, metaphysical, metaphysics, no, philosophical, philosophy, Purpose, real, Sam, skepticism, superstition, there, watchmaker, who, why, complex, divine
