Police with yellow vests [attempt forcing dam]

  • 6 years ago
Police with yellow vests

More than 400 people injured in the "Yellow Vests" campaign

According to the French Ministry of the Interior, the number of victims during protests against rising gas prices in the country has risen to 409 people.

According to RTL, 14 of them are in serious condition.

In total, according to official data, more than 287,000 people took part in protests across the country. Police arrested 282 protesters.

Note that everywhere in France, drivers are protesting against rising fuel prices. Protesters block roads across the country. In different cities at the same time passes about two thousand actions. Traffic in France is virtually paralyzed.

A large-scale action has already received the name of the demonstration "yellow vest". The meeting participants donned yellow reflective vests.

Would have. who already have victims. A 50-year-old woman died under the wheels of a car when a crowd blocked a roadway.

We note that the protests were provoked by the decision of the French authorities to increase taxes on diesel fuel and gasoline next year.

The Macron government explained this step in the fight against air pollution and said it did not intend to cancel its decision.

