Trump's Approval Rating Rebounds In New Poll

  • 6 years ago
President Trump’s approval rating has rebounded, according to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll.

President Trump's approval rating has rebounded in the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. 
Of the 1,144 adults surveyed between October 8-11, 41 percent said they approved of Trump's job performance--a 5 percent gain since late August. 
That said, his disapproval rating still stands at 54 percent. 
Meanwhile, the statistics site FiveThirtyEight estimates in its aggregate poll that 52.6 percent disapprove of the president while 41.8 percent approve.
According to CNBC, Trump's fight for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh may have helped to boost his numbers, but how much influence the issue had is unknown given other factors like foreign policy and the economy. 
