• last year
marmie @ladiemarmie 4/24 6:30 pm
00:00I don't know what Marmee's story is, if she was lost or abandoned, but when I saw her, I just started crying.
00:06My name is Daisy, and this is Marmee's story for GeoBeats.
00:09I was working at an animal hospital emergency room.
00:12We went out to South L.A. Animal Shelter as part of Clear the Shelters.
00:17I accidentally stumbled upon the feral cat room, which was off-limits.
00:21And there were all these cats that were just freaking out and everything.
00:24But Marmee came up to me, and she started purring and rubbing all over the cage and my fingers.
00:29I'll be back for you.
00:31She was like four pounds, emaciated. It was really, really sad to look at.
00:35I just started crying, and I was like, oh my god, I just have to get this cat.
00:38The first few days were really special with me and her.
00:43I wanted to keep her separate from my elderly cat.
00:46I put her in my walk-in closet, and for a few hours every day, I would go in the closet and just sit down with her, feed her, help her eat.
00:55She would stare at me, just like this most amazing, sweet stare, like, thank you so much.
01:00She has a lot of problems. She has very special needs.
01:04She was FIB positive. She had stomatitis.
01:07All of her teeth and mouth were infected, so she had to get full mouth extractions.
01:15A few months later, I found out that she had bad asthma and diaphragmatic hernia.
01:21But she's thrived after all of her medical treatments, and she's turned into a very happy, playful cat.
01:28It's like a total transformation.
01:31She's more than doubled in weight, and a lot of it has to do with her getting all of her teeth extracted, so now she can eat.
01:37She loves to lay in the sun, so I moved for her.
01:41All of the other apartments that we looked at did not have westward-facing sun, so she just loves hanging out like this.
01:48She gets all of her sun, and she's a happy cat.
01:51Every night when I say, let's go to bed, and then I lay down, and then I open my covers, she sits right on my chest,
01:57and then she puts her face right on my face and purrs so loudly.
02:01Then I put the blankets over, and then that's how she wants to sleep all night.
02:05And I'm like, I gotta get up.
02:06What are you doing?
02:11From the very moment I brought her home, she just stares at me.
02:15Are you okay, Mamie?
02:16She was wearing a red collar when I found her at the shelter.
02:20I'm thinking that she had a human family before me, but I can't be certain.
02:25She has had a hard life, and I would say to her, sorry, I can't make her body completely 100% healthy.
02:32She still struggles with asthma.
02:34I feel bad for not being able to help cure her 100%.
02:38I would want her to know that I'm sorry about that.
02:40I absolutely love her.
02:42I'm very thankful for her, everything that she does for me.
02:46I love you.
02:47I love you.
02:48I love you.
02:49I love you.
02:50I love you.
02:51I love you.
02:52I love you.
02:53I love you.
02:54I love you.
02:55I love you.
02:56I love you.
02:57I love you.
02:58I love you.
02:59I love you.
03:00I love you.
03:01I love you.
03:02I love you.
03:03I love you.
03:04I love you.
03:05I love you.
03:06I love you.
03:07I love you.
03:08I love you.
03:09I love you.
03:10I love you.
03:11I love you.
03:12I love you.
03:13I love you.
03:14I love you.
