Marital Property Lawyer St. Pete FL | St. Petersburg FL Marital Property Attorney

  • 6 years ago
Freeman, Goldis & Cash P.A.
2553 First Avenue North, Saint Petersburg,
Florida 33713
Freeman, Goldis & Cash P.A.
2553 First Avenue North, Saint Petersburg,
Florida 33713

The Court starts with the presumption that marital assets and debts will be equally divided between the parties. There are factors that the court will consider to overcome the presumption of an equal distribution, and allow an unequal distribution in one party’s favor.
Among the factors the court may use to justify an unequal distribution are the economic circumstances of the parties, any interruption in the personal careers or educational opportunities of the other parties, or if there has been an intentional waste or dissipation of cash or assets by one party.
Distribution of yours or your spouse’s retirement account may be a concern to you. If you have concerns about how it is divided, or the tax implications of the division, our experienced attorneys can explain the process to you.
Finally, you may have a claim that one of your assets is non-marital and cannot be touched by your spouse in the divorce proceeding. Such assets may include non-interspousal gifts and inheritances, as long as they were not commingled with marital funds.
If you or someone you know is contemplating a divorce or needs legal assistance with any of these issues, contact Freeman Goldis & Cash in St. Petersburg Florida for a no obligation consultation regarding your case.

If you or someone you know is contemplating divorce or has questions regarding their rights, contact our firm at 727-327-2258 for a discreet, no-obligation consultation.

Phone: (727)-327-2258
