Tinan 2017 nudár tinan ne’ebe okupadu no fantástiku tebes ba ami hotu iha Embaixada Australia. Ami kontente bele servisu hamutuk ho ami nia parseiru sira no Governu Timor-Leste hodi atije hamutuk asuntu importante barak. Mai hare Maun Acacio no Mana Berta husi Embaixada ne’ebe halo viajen ba Maliana, no durante sira nia viajen iha dalan, ita sei hare servisu sira hotu ne’ebe Australia halo ona ho komunidade Timor-Oan sira.
2017 has been a busy and fantastic year for all of us here at the Australian Embassy. We have loved working with all of our partners and the Timor-Leste government to achieve many important things together. Watch Maun Acacio and Mana Berta from the Embassy as they travel to Maliana, and see the work Australia has been doing with Timorese communities along the way!
2017 has been a busy and fantastic year for all of us here at the Australian Embassy. We have loved working with all of our partners and the Timor-Leste government to achieve many important things together. Watch Maun Acacio and Mana Berta from the Embassy as they travel to Maliana, and see the work Australia has been doing with Timorese communities along the way!