• há 7 anos
Superintendente Xefe Hermenegildo do G. da Cruz servisu atu hametin instituisaun Polisía Nasionál Timor-Leste nian desde hahú servisu ho PNTL sira hanesan Ofisiál Patrulla iha tinan 2001. Nia iha motivasaun atu sai lider no servi ba komunidade sira iha área rural, tanba ne’e maka nia estuda Kriminolójia no Relasaun Internasionál liu hosi bolsa-estudu Prémiu Austrália nian iha Universidade Flinders.
Maun Hermen agora supervisiona treinamentu ba polísia foun sira ne’ebé foin rekruta ho polísia komunitáriu sira. Treinamentu ida ne’e garantia sira sei hetan abilidade atu dezenvolve konfiansa ho komunidade lokál sira no hatene kona-ba oinsa atu administra forsa polísia ne’ebé maka profesionál no independente.
Bele lee istória kona-ba maun Hermen nian (ho lian Inglés) iha ne’e:
Chief Superintendent Hermengildo do G da Cruz has worked to strengthen Timor-Leste’s National Police institutions since his first job with PNTL as Patrol Officer 2001. He was motivated to become a leader and serve vulnerable people in rural areas, so he studied Criminology and International Relations via Australia Awards at Flinders University.
Maun Hermen now oversees training of new police recruits and community police officers. This training ensures they have the skills to build trust with local communities and the know how to run a professional and independent police force.
Read more about Hermen’s story here
