Obama Warns If Voters Don't 'Step Up,' Things Can 'Get Worse'

  • 6 years ago
Former President Obama headlined a campaign rally in California on Saturday.

Former President Barack Obama has warned that if voters don't "step up" for the 2018 mid-term elections, "things can get worse." 
During a Democratic rally for Congressional candidates in California on Saturday, Obama said, "The stakes are high in this election. This is a consequential moment in our history. And the fact is that if we don't step up things can get worse." 
He added: "Where there's a vacuum in our democracy, when we are not participating, we're not paying attention, when we're not stepping up--other voices filled the void. But the good news is, in two months, we have a chance to restore some sanity in our politics. We have the chance to flip the House of Representatives." 
According to recent projections by the statistics site FiveThirtyEight, Democrats have a 78 percent chance of winning control of the House while Republicans have a less than 22 percent chance of keeping control of it. 
Despite Obama's lament about the country's current state, he seemed to take a step back from the sharp remarks he made Friday criticizing President Trump and other Republicans in office. 
Instead of calling out Trump by name, Obama told the crowd, "The biggest threat to our democracy...is not one individual, it is not one big super PAC billionaires. It is apathy, it is indifference, it is us not doing what we are supposed to do."