Rabbit is a kind of valuable laboratory animals for monoclonal antibody production. Rabbits can elicit strong immune response against foreign antigens and ideally working with peptide and protein antigens. Compared with mice and other rodents, which are the most commonly used host animals for monoclonal antibody production, rabbits have their own advantages. Firstly, the immune response of rabbits has wider repertoires, improved recognition capability for small-size compounds and peptides, and the ability to generate antibodies with higher binding affinity. Secondly, rabbit monoclonal antibodies displaying higher sensitivity and specificity than mouse monoclonal antibodies, in some cases this means a reduced necessity of antigen-retrieval pretreatments. In addition, they have more diverse epitope recognition results in a highly diverse suite of B-lymphocytes, which is quite valuable for antigens with weak immunogenicity or derived from rodents in particular. Ultimately, rabbit has a bigger spleen to provide an abundance of splenocytes for antibody selection. After all, more available cells will give better chances to discover desired antibodies.