Pensioner's Massive Cock In Front Garden Is Tourist Attraction

  • 5 years ago
A pensioner says his old cherry tree has become a tourist attraction after he shaped it to look like a giant cock. Jim Hughes, 73, climbed up a ladder and cut branches off the ivy-covered tree to create a 14ft male chicken. He then stuck pieces of red plastic on its head to make a beak and a comb - comb is the technical term for the fleshy area at the top of a chicken's head. The grandfather surprised his wife with the bizarre sculpture and says tourists are now stopping outside his home to take pictures. It took him just 30 minutes to do it using a pair of sheers and secateurs. Jim, from East Wemyss, Fife, said: "Originally, it was an old cherry blossom tree. It got that big that I was worried it would be blown over and hit a car.


