Romantic couple share seafront dance

  • 5 years ago
Many thanks to Carrie McCabe for this wonderful video - This mystery couple really believe the show must go on after they were spotted braving miserably weather conditions -- to DANCE. The romantic pair were spotted practising ballroom dancing in a derelict outdoor pool -- as wind-swept waves slammed into the seafront wall. Armed with a portable stereo, the twinkle-toed twosome were seen together for more than an hour, practicing a number of different moves, including ballroom and the rumba, in the abandoned Tynemouth lido in Tyne and Wear. Local Carrie McCabe was enjoying a walk along the seafront with her family when she spotted the plucky pair braving the spray. Carrie, a 34-year-old florist, said: "I couldn't believe it when I looked out and saw them two there.
