• 6 years ago
top 10 rarest but most amazing sharks you need to see\r
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Sharks are creatures that strike fear into the hearts of many, although the truth is that sharks have more to fear from us than the other way around. Many of us just picture the great white shark as being the only kind of shark out there, but there are a ton of unique species of sharks out there, so many of which you may never have heard of! The greenland shark is thought to be one of the oldest species of shark in existence, and specimens have been found that are up to 400 years old! You might think that all sharks have fearsome teeth, but the megamouth shark and basking shark are planktivorous sharks, meaning that they feed only on small animals and plankton. And not all sharks are giant, hulking predators. The angular roughshark and the pyjama shark are both likely smaller than you are. If youre looking for a truly bizarre looking shark, make sure you check out the goblin shark. We can definitely see where it gets its name! The speartooth shark is able to live in both fresh and salt water, and only in the last couple of years have we managed to tag adult members of this species. The frilled shark may look more like an eel than a shark, but just wait until you catch a glimpse of its teeth! And the wobbegong family of sharks enjoys traversing the bottom of the sea floor so much, that they have even begun to walk on it in their own way!\r
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