• 7 years ago
In this video, CancerBro explains anatomical position and structure of esophagus. Watch this video to know where is esophagus is located in human body.

Video Transcript:

In the chest cavity, this trachea lies in front which helps us breathing.

As you can see, behind the trachea lies the esophagus.

Heart also lies in the chest cavity in front of esophagus. And on both sides, lie the lungs.

And as you can see in the figure, esophagus crosses the diaphragm to enter into the abdomen, where it joins the stomach.

Esophagus starts at a distance of 15 cm from upper incisors, at the level of cricopharyngeus muscle.

And the lowest most end of the esophagus is at distance of 40 cm from upper incisors, at the level of gastroesophageal junction.

So the total length of the esophagus is 25 cm. The upper 3 cm of esophagus is called as cervical esophagus.

And below that esophagus maybe divided into 3 parts - upper, middle and lower esophagus, as you can see in the figure.

Carcinoma rising from the upper and middle esophagus is mostly squamous cell carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is seen very rarely in this region.

Whereas, in the lower 1/3d of the esophagus, it is mostly adenocarcinoma, although squamous cell carcinoma may also be seen.

So after knowing the anatomy of esophagus, now let's discuss the staging for esophageal cancer.

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