• 5 years ago
BalconyTV Barcelona Sponsored By//

Estrella Damm

Views// Ohla Hotel

ILLA CAROLINA performs the song "DAISES" for BalconyTV.

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No passen ni dos segons des de l’inici de ‘Daises’ i els nostres peus, seduïts per un caminar descarat, comencen a moure’s al ritme d’Illa Carolina. Segurament també, un somriure optimista com el de la Carol Badillo, la seva cantant, es dibuixarà al nostre rostre, movent-se de dalt a baix sense contemplació. L’atmosfera del seu tercer disc Bellavista (Discmedi, 2017), a càrrec de línies de guitarra i baix que recorden els moments daurats de l’indie-pop britànic, continuarà amb tu quan acabi aquest vídeo, faci sol o nevi.

It won’t be even two seconds after ‘Daises’ starts and our feet, swayed by carefree melodies, will start moving along Illa Carolina’s tune. Even an optimistic smile, just like the one sported by Carol Badillo, their lead singer, will pop up in your face, that moves up and down without really realising it. The atmosphere found in their third album, Bellavista (Discmedi, 2017), brought by guitar and bass lines that remind us to the golden ages of British indie pop, will follow you around when this video is over, whether Sun rays or snowflakes are waiting for you outside.

Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Photographer: Martina Matencio

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