• 6 years ago
CINE NURIA performs the song "YOU WON'T LEAVE ME" for BalconyTV.
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Cine Nuria saben molt bé combinar les melodies del bubble-gum pop, unes bases electròniques coloristes i el so lo-fi. Menys és més en l’univers somniador de Fernando Guerrero i Laura Bellostas. En exclusiva a BalconyTV Barcelona ens interpreten 'You won’t leave me', que forma part del seu primer EP homònim.

Cine Nuria know how to combine bubble-gum pop melodies, vibrant electronic beats and wrap it all with a lo-fi attitude. Less is more in Fernando Guerrero and Laura Bellostas’ dreamy universe. They perform in our balcony the song 'You won’t leave' from their debut EP.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Sound & Audio post-production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Photographer: Martina Matencio

Views: Ohla Hotel (http://www.ohlahotel.com)

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