Original Song | Reason

  • 6 years ago
Listen, I’m a logical human most of the time. Like, I have feelings, but I don’t generally feel my feelings. I think my feelings? What I’m saying is that my inner dialogue and external life tends to be ruled by reason rather than heart. It’s not because I’m cold-hearted or don’t care about people. I just sincerely do not understand emotions as a motivating force most of the time.

That’s part 1. Part 2 is this:

Humans have a natural way of speaking and communicating with one another. I don’t understand it. Casual conversation is baffling to me, because it’s so restrictive. Everyone seems to know the arbitrary rules about which words you can and cannot use in order to be “communicative”. I thought the function of all language to communicate, but I’m told that a vast majority of words are, in fact, not to be used socially for conveyance. It’s extremely frustrating. I never know which words I’m allowed to use and which words make me sound like a weirdo. I try really hard to filter my meanings into more accessible language, but my brain just seems to process words differently most of the time. Social exchanges to me feel like we’re all playing a game, and everyone but me has read the rule book.

So the chords here are quite happily bizarre. The progression is roughly Am G A D with some healthy additions of 2nds. This song was atypical in that I actually had zero clue what the chords were until the song was completed, and I had to go back and do little bits of mental math to figure out what the heck I was playing. The shapes came from playing with relationships of intervals rather than altering conventional shapes - although, of course now I can see the obvious alterations from the conventional shapes.


rhyme is always reason
flight was never treason
i’m forever uneven
i try to straighten out, but i don’t know how

reason’s in the name, so what can i say
i don’t Know any other way
reason’s not the same As what you might say
you might Not know me, but i think it’s okay

time is always keeping
me out of the secret
so i’m forever just decent
i try To fix it now, but i don’t know how

reason’s In the name, so what can i say
i don’t know Any other way
reason’s Not the same as what you might say
you might not know me, but i think it’s okay

i think i learned to think with
some sort of social defect
my culture’s not you’re reflex
i try to work It out, but i don’t know how

reason’s in the name, so what can i Say
i don’t know any other way
reason’s not the same as what you might say
you Might not know me, but i think it’s okay
i think it’s okay

rhyme is always reason


