Dans l’exposition « Estructuras resonantes », Murillo combine une série d’œuvres réalisées en collaboration avec des amis, des membres de sa famille ou d’autres personnes, créant ainsi un cadre poétique nourri de la perception à la fois familière et étrangère que nous avons de la vie des autres. Centrée sur l’architecture de la mémoire, l’œuvre explore la façon dont la communication permet des constructions et des inventions langagières. En même temps, elle renvoie directement aux structures sociales qui gouvernent nos vies et à la nécessité d’entretenir un rapport plus profond et plus sensitif au monde qui nous entoure. Retraçant et documentant un parcours à travers l’Europe, l’Asie, l’Afrique du Nord et l’Amérique latine, l’entreprise de Murillo questionne l’importance de la production culturelle relativement à notre sentiment du lieu, de la communauté et de l’appartenance quelque soit l’endroit où nous nous trouvons.
In the exhibition "Estructuras resonantes" [Resonant Structures], Murillo combines a series of works made in collaboration with friends, family, and other agencies to form a poetic framework shaped by the experiences of the both familiar yet unknowable lives of other people. Centred on the architecture of memory as an integral part of how languages are built and invented, the project proposes a multi-layered experience. At the same time, it refers directly to the social structures under which we live, and the need for a deeper, more sensorial engagement with the world around us. Tracing and documenting a journey through Europe, Asia, North Africa and Latin America, the project reflects on the importance of cultural production in relation to our sense of place, community and belonging, wherever we find ourselves.
In the exhibition "Estructuras resonantes" [Resonant Structures], Murillo combines a series of works made in collaboration with friends, family, and other agencies to form a poetic framework shaped by the experiences of the both familiar yet unknowable lives of other people. Centred on the architecture of memory as an integral part of how languages are built and invented, the project proposes a multi-layered experience. At the same time, it refers directly to the social structures under which we live, and the need for a deeper, more sensorial engagement with the world around us. Tracing and documenting a journey through Europe, Asia, North Africa and Latin America, the project reflects on the importance of cultural production in relation to our sense of place, community and belonging, wherever we find ourselves.
Art et design