Née à Santiago du Chili en 1944, la photographe Paz Errázuriz a débuté sa carrière artistique en autodidacte dans les années 1970, sous la dictature de Pinochet. Co-fondatrice de l’Association des Photographes Indépendants (AFI), elle utilise le portrait en noir et blanc pour dénoncer la dictature mais aussi les diktats sociaux condamnant des individus et des groupes à une marginalisation qui les rend invisibles. Son travail, qui s’inscrit dans le genre du documentaire social, traduit, depuis ses débuts, une énergie créative et une insatiable curiosité pour le genre humain. Chronologique et thématique, l’exposition « Une poétique de l’humain » rassemblera environ 150 tirages des années 1970 à nos jours.
Born in Santiago, Chili, in 1944, Paz Errázuriz began her career as an autodidact under Pinochet’s dictatorship in the 1970s. Co-founder of the Independent Photographer’s Association (AFI), she used black and white portraits to denounce the dictator, as well as the social dictates which condemned individuals and groups to a marginalisation that rendered them invisible. From the beginning, her work, which is in the social documentary genre, expressed a creative energy, and an insatiable curiosity for the human race. Her works broke many of the taboos of the society deprived of liberty that Chili was before the restoration of democracy. In her militant photography, Paz Errázuriz shows Chili’s troubled past, and exhaustively explores her country, making visible what society failed to see. Both chronological and thematic, the exhibition brings together around 150 prints from the 1970s to today.
Born in Santiago, Chili, in 1944, Paz Errázuriz began her career as an autodidact under Pinochet’s dictatorship in the 1970s. Co-founder of the Independent Photographer’s Association (AFI), she used black and white portraits to denounce the dictator, as well as the social dictates which condemned individuals and groups to a marginalisation that rendered them invisible. From the beginning, her work, which is in the social documentary genre, expressed a creative energy, and an insatiable curiosity for the human race. Her works broke many of the taboos of the society deprived of liberty that Chili was before the restoration of democracy. In her militant photography, Paz Errázuriz shows Chili’s troubled past, and exhaustively explores her country, making visible what society failed to see. Both chronological and thematic, the exhibition brings together around 150 prints from the 1970s to today.
Art et design