• 6 years ago
LUCA SGUOTTI performs the song "COSA FARÒ?" for BalconyTV.
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Luca Sguotti nasce a Monselice provincia di Padova il 9 gennaio 1991, il suo primo approccio alla musica arriva all’età di 14 anni quando, grazie al coinvolgimento dei suoi compagni di classe inizia a suonare la chitarra. Insieme ad alcuni amici di scuola fonda il suo primo gruppo rock, gli Havana Affair, proponendo diversi brani cover dei Red Hot Chili Peppers e cimentandosi nel ruolo di cantate e leader del gruppo. Dopo 3-4 anni il gruppo si scioglie e Luca continua a suonare formando un duo acustico con il suo chitarrista, “gli angoli acustici”. Soltanto nell’estate del 2015, spinto da un desiderio creativo, inizia a comporre le sue prime canzoni e verso la fine del 2015 inizia una collaborazione con la Dimora Records, casa discografica indipendente rodigina, per la realizzazione di un primo album di debutto in veste di cantautore. L’album, che vedrà la luce nella prima metà del 2016, contiene 10 brani pop molto diversi tra loro e da cui verranno estratti diversi singoli.

Luca Sguotti was born in Monselice (PD) on January 9, 1991. Approach to the music, when his Grandmother bought him his first guitar. With his schoolmate started to play guitar and on the first year at high school they put together a band. Their common point were the rock music and, according to their musical preferences, they chose to form a cover band by the red hot chili peppers, called Havana Affair. Luca Played for 4 years as the leading vocal of the group but, at the age of 17, he felt the keep to explore other corners of music. Havana Affair disbanded in 2009 and Luca Sguotti formed an acoustic duo with his friend and former guitarts. The new band called "Angoli Acustici" and now Luca is grown up as a singer and also under his artistic profile. Only in 2015 Luca decided to give a turn to his musical carreer and start writing his own music. At the end of 2015 started the collaboration with "Dimora Records" and indipendent label in Rovigo. From this union is born the first studio album, which include 10 brand new songs entirely written by this young artist. Luca's music today is kind of pop music, with the intimate and personal notes from the artist's life. Everyone will listen Luca Sguotti from the middle of march 2017, when is programmed the album release.


Produced by: LUIGI DE FRENZA FOTOGRAFO www.luigidefrenza.it
Cinematographer and post-production: Luigi De Frenza
Audio Recording & Mix: Geppo Cazzola & Fabio Cardullo
Special thanks to Raffaella

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