Obama Quips ‘Thanks Obama’ After Listing His Administration’s Economic Achievements

  • 7 years ago
Barack Obama on Tuesday spoke at the North American Climate Summit in Chicago and, after listing his administration’s economic achievements, quipped, “thanks Obama.”

Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday spoke at the North American Climate Summit in Chicago and, after listing his administration's economic achievements, quipped, "Thanks, Obama," reports The Independent.
The thank-you phrase was one his critics used sarcastically for years. 
While it originally served as a negative comment on his job performance, it morphed into a response to all things gone awry, including "everything from a man spilling food to the power going out at the Super Bowl in 2013."
During his Tuesday address, and just before jokingly patting himself on the back, Obama touted the years of job growth that came during his two terms due in part to investments in green energy. 
"We saw the longest streak of job creation in American history by far. A streak that still continues, by the way. Thanks, Obama," he said.
According to President Trump, he, not Obama, is the driver of the current state of the job market and the economy at large.
"HAPPY THANKSGIVING, your Country is starting to do really well. Jobs coming back, highest Stock Market EVER…RECORD CUT IN REGS, lowest unemployment in 17 years...!" Trump recently tweeted.
