Muscle bound chick blows lunch trying to lift a huge amount of weight. ( And the people in the audience are glad that she passed on the chili! lol )This weightlifter was performing a deadlift at a competition when suddenly, a stream of vomit projectiled from her mouth onto the gym mat. Original Link: ...
Deadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift ...
Please follow me on Instagram @wolfensteinpower I apologize to all of the lifters I missed in this edit. These are just the ones that came to mind, so if I left you ...
Lady Vomits Dead Lifting 424lbs - Weightlifter Fail follow me on twitter @TRENTSTEELE1 and subscribe to my youtube channel STEELEWORLDWIDE and ...
She puts her all into this lift, unfortunately it all comes out. You gotta feel for the people in the crowd, though there were a few Gallagher fans who couldn't be ...
Deadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift Chick Pukes Into The CrowdDeadlift ...
Please follow me on Instagram @wolfensteinpower I apologize to all of the lifters I missed in this edit. These are just the ones that came to mind, so if I left you ...
Lady Vomits Dead Lifting 424lbs - Weightlifter Fail follow me on twitter @TRENTSTEELE1 and subscribe to my youtube channel STEELEWORLDWIDE and ...
She puts her all into this lift, unfortunately it all comes out. You gotta feel for the people in the crowd, though there were a few Gallagher fans who couldn't be ...