• 8 years ago
Your position of the body is very important when you swim freestyle. Sometimes it is difficult to keep a good alignment without practicing some drills. On this video you will need a pullbouy and paddles. We will go over the common way of using them and another not so common way of using the pullbouy.

When you use a pullbouy this way, it helps you lift your hips. With your hips higher, the legs will also end up higher in the water, so you should be in a better position to use your arms. However, you can’t do very wide kicks or else the pullbouy will fall. This is good. you actually want to have narrow kicks throughout the swim. If you use it right the pullbouy will give you freedom to think less about the legs and more about how your arms are pulling.

You can also use paddles. By using both, the paddles and the pullbouy, you will be forcing your arms to pull right. Be careful, this will be harder on your shoulders. If there is any pain, take the paddles out.

Now, originally coaches make you put on the pullbouy so you stop the kicking completely and use only your arms. However, this rarely happens. As you start swimming faster your legs start moving and you start doing small kicks naturally. This is where this interesting drill can help swimmers. By putting the pullbouy between the feet, you force yourself to stop kicking completely and actually struggle to maintain the legs afloat by using your core and the arms. It is very challenging to keep the pullbouy in place because it causes more resistance with the water. To do it, you have to keep your legs tight. Since the legs tend to sink, you will also be forced to tighten your core. Because it is easier to maintain the legs high when you are going faster, you will also feel the need to pull faster and more efficient.

There you go. Try it, get better at it and improve your freestyle swimming position by using the pullbouy and the paddles.

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If you want yo buy paddles we recommend these:

If you want to buy a pullbouy we recommend this one:

Thanks for watching!
Swim fast!


