A Brief Introduction To Ferguson Zones For Reptiles

  • 7 years ago
In this video, Moshe Levy, VP of Marketing at Solar Light, very briefly covers the fascinating topic of Ferguson Zones, one of the most important research breakthroughs in herpetology in recent years. Ferguson Zones were developed back in 2010, when a team of herpetologists led by Professor Gary Ferguson of Texas Christian University published research using data gathered with Solarmeter Model 6.5 UV Index Meters. The study summarized the daily UV exposure of 15 species of reptiles that were studied in the wild. These species were grouped into four zones, called “Ferguson Zones,” according to their daily sun exposure requirements.

In 2012, the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquaria (BIAZA) built on Ferguson’s research to produce a document allocating Ferguson Zones to 254 species of reptiles and amphibians. Dr. Frances Baines then published a comprehensive guide to UV and its proper use with reptiles in the January/February 2017 issue of Reptiles magazine, and today ongoing research continues to apply Ferguson Zones to even more species. You can download much of this data direct from our website https://www.solarmeter.com/links/

Here at Solar Light, we’re very proud that our instruments are used by leading herpetologists, breeders, and reptile enthusiasts all over the world to ensure that these amazing animals thrive and live long, healthy lives. For more technical information on the Model 6.5 Reptile UV Index Meter or any of our other products, please visit our website www.solarmeter.com or feel free to drop us a line at info@solarmeter.com.
