Review This: Blade Runner 2049

  • 7 years ago
I want to finally say I have seen a movie that should have Sci-Fi fans rejoicing in the streets. I took the time out of my schedule to do as I always do…. Give you the scoop, should you spend your money or stay at home.

Blade Runner 2049 picks up 30 years after the original and explores what has happened in the Blade Runner Universe since then. I am going to honestly say if you have not watched the original you will be completely lost with this movie but for those of us who have let’s continue on….

The original Blade Runner was full of flaws in some of the effects that obviously 30 years later they have cleared up. I don’t plan on getting into the history and theories of Phillip K. Dick’s original source material that Blade Runner is based on but in the tried and true fashion of my GoingFullNerd spoiler free review this is a must see movie and I give it a 5 out of 5 for having a storyline that makes you think and get involved with the main character and plot twists that leave the mysteries of the original movie intact. I saw this in a Dolby ATMOS equipped theater and the music and sound was a little overwhelming in that setting but the effects and visuals seem like they could be well worth watching in IMAX but not 3D.

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