Review This: Stranger Things Season 2

  • 7 years ago
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Stranger Things was a surprise to many people when it first came out and was an instant success. Continuing a story is real difficult and it takes a whole lot to out do something that people have attached themselves to especially when it comes to episodic television. I grew up in the 80s and find myself really connected to the characters of this show. Now in my humble opinion Season Two is better than the first. It still plays upon the nostalgia element of the 80’s and is filled with tons of old school product placement and memories that had me remembering my Nerdy beginnings. It brings me back to the always on the edge times of the Cold War and always looming communist threat and traditional sci-fi fears mixed with horror elements of 80s movies.

After I finished my 9 hour journey back to Hawkins and their battle with the upside down and what lurks within. I am not going to spoil this for people who have not finished the series but there are a couple of questions I thought of as I watched when I started Season 1 and a side story in Season 2.

Where are the other 10 kids with powers? Multiple Demogorgon where do they come from (meaning how do they reproduce)?
I was engaged with the episodes all the way through, I was a little disappointed midway through with the side story (Eleven looking for mom) but I understand why it had to be established.
Bottom line up front…If you are not watching Stranger Things Season 2 YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!

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