Hottest Trends In Wedding Invitations

  • 16 years ago
We're talking about the latest trends in wedding invitations, and one of the newest ideas that soon to be wed couples are doing is to send their invitations in boxes instead of envelopes. More and more couples are neatly packing their invitations, reply cards, maps, into stylish little silk boxes that can create a real impression when your guests receive them, and will also allow you to lick less envelopes. You can pick the color of your box, and even include something more in the packages that says something about you and your wedding theme. If silk boxes sound too expensive, you can also try cheaper paper boxes to pack your wedding invites into. But remember, using boxes instead of envelopes will cost you more in terms of shipping costs, and be careful when choosing your silk or paper box... the bigger the package, the more expensive it will be to ship. This is a really classy idea that will make your invitations memorable, but it's not the cheapest option, so it's probably better suited for you only if you're having a smaller wedding... or if you have money to burn.