Being An Active Paricipant At A Wedding

  • 16 years ago . So you've got too many close friends to include in your wedding party but you want them to feel like active participants at your wedding? Don't worry, there are plenty of other jobs for your close friends. Make your friends ushers or usherettes, or have put one or two of them in charge of the guest book or gift tables. Or have them escort family members, like your grandparents, down the aisle at the beginning of the ceremony. And if you are having a ceremony with a specific religious tradition, give one of your friends jobs related to that... have them carry the gifts to the altar at a Catholic or Episcopalian ceremony, or ask your close friend to be the “glass bearer at a Jewish wedding ceremony. Or have them do a reading of a poem or prayer that you feel is personal to your relationship, which is a huge honor. And if you really can't find a job for all your close friends, don't sweat it... they'll just be glad to see you get married to the one you love, and won't feel bad about not having a specific job at the wedding. And think of it this way... it's less work for them! Maybe they'll appreciate the opportunity to get off their feet.