Manny Machado sees inside pitches from Eduardo Rodriguez and Matt Barnes, then responds with an RBI double in the bottom of the 8th Check out .
Manny Machado sees inside pitches from Eduardo Rodriguez and Matt Barnes, then responds with an RBI double in the bottom of the 8th.
Matt Barnes throws a fastball up and in towards Manny Machado and gets thrown out of the game in the bottom of the 8th inning Check out .
Manny Machado slides into second base and injures Dustin Pedroia and the call is confirmed after the Orioles challenge in the 8th inning Check out .
Manny Machado sees inside pitches from Eduardo Rodriguez and Matt Barnes, then responds with an RBI double in the bottom of the 8th.
Matt Barnes throws a fastball up and in towards Manny Machado and gets thrown out of the game in the bottom of the 8th inning Check out .
Manny Machado slides into second base and injures Dustin Pedroia and the call is confirmed after the Orioles challenge in the 8th inning Check out .