Jean-Philippe Lemée / Have you seen my exhibitions ? n°3"

  • il y a 16 ans
Here are views of an exhibit called "Jean-Philippe, Roy, Eugène, Pablo et les Autres" (november 2006 - Chapelle des Calvairiennes - Mayenne - France). The problem with the exhibitions is that they are shown in one place at a certain time. When it ends, it is ended. It becomes even more problematic when the show is shown in a nice baroque chapel lost in a small town in your own country. There is not, for instance, a single art critic who would be willing to go there and waste his or her time (which would not, of course, be the case). Still, it is interesting to create an exhibit.
An interesting point : the viewers are integrated inside the video, inside the show. It reminds me of Marcel Duchamp's quote : "It is the viewer who makes the art". Indeed. In this case, the viewers are young Americans who, occasionnaly, where also my students in France. Us ! Nous ! To me, making art does not mean to attract the public's eyes on an artist's emotion (who cares about Jean-Philippe Lemée's personal emotions... I have enough to deal with that). Most of my works are done with a certain contribution of "the people"... but it would be too long to explain this theory here. jean-Paul Sartre used to say : "Hell is... the others - L'enfer, c'est les autres". It may be true sometimes, but I deeply think in a radical opposite way : "Without The Others, we are nothing - On n'est rien sans Les Autres". Sartre was wrong ! Check the title of the present exhibit...
