DogDemon Abr. - omake 03

  • 16 years ago
Omake III "There's nothing on TV anymore"
DogDemon Abridged: The InuYasha Abridged Series

These days wild dingos just show up everywhere. The moon holds unsought bounty that can only gotten one way. Though, if you had a helper things would be easier... So you'd just be a crazy wackado to miss this next omake [extra]for DogDemon Abridged.

This may be the best omake yet. It took waaaayyy, too long though. It holds a new omake style that probably won't appear again for many many an omake. Though it turned out pretty cool, hope everyone enjoys it.
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This omake brought to you by kagewolfen.
Licensed by Viz Media
Originally Produced by Sunrise Inc.
Original creator: Rumiko Takahashi
Recording Studio: Ocean Studios
