DogDemon Abr. - omake 1

  • 16 years ago
Omake [Extra] One: "Slaying lines of Sorcerery"
DogDemon Abridged:
The InuYasha Abridged Series

"Damn you Rezzo," when Slayers and InuYasha combine isn't that Sango? But oddly enough Sango won't appear in this series for a long while. Enter odd lines set to odd situations, ah yes it sounds like success. Join the ranks of the great for the first installment of Omake from episodes 1 and 2.

As most or even no one may know, I do the omake by myself. No voice actors, relatively no input from my fellow staff. So results vary, I'll post omake 2 right after I re-post the omake one that was done a long time before. Tell me which style you like better, will you.

This omake brought to you by kagewolfen.
