• 17 years ago
4. O.K., so, with three, or more, cellphone antennae aimed precisely at the kernels the transmission signals from the sound input to the cellphones all hit the kernels at the same time with the same signal phase, thus it would seem that an additive effect (constructive) interference of the transmitted beams concentrate in just one tiny area...an intense standing wave of microwave energy results,. and pop goes the corn!.....one cellphone won't do it....gotta have concentration and standing wave....

5. Now, back to the birds. It seems very likely (considering the large nuimber of antennae in close proximity in the environment now) that occasionally that two or more cellphone antennae transmission beams intersect and happen to be sending the same signal information at the same time, creating a standing wave. When birds hit this temporary standing wave microwave field, they become totally disoriented and confused and sometimes dive straight into the ground as a group. It appears their automatic natural altimeter and sense of direction is destroyed.

6. This happened in England several years ago, and last year a similar incident occurred in Austin Texas. Several years ago a homing pigeon racing event up in Philadelphia area had to be held during the week, because weather prevented the contest during the weekend. Almost no pigeons made it home. Pigeons, which we know are very sensitive to geoelectromagnetic natural signals, do not seem to fly in flocks like blackbirds and starlings, so I suppose there was a lot of general confusion.
