• 17 years ago
Reduces Stress and Improves Performance!An MSA Meridian Stress Assessment test at the September, 2000 PGA International Show of over 200 participants was done by Steve McGregor of BioMeridian International, Inc. McGregor stated, "I've conducted thousands of tests using the BioMeridian system in every industry and I've never seen anything like the QLink results. Whether the QLink was worn for two minutes or two days, every subject exhibited a dramatic increase in measurable energy, a strengthened resistance to the effects of stress, and a shift to their ideal performance state."
The same MSA test was repeated on the practice tee of the SBC Senior Classic in LA in October, 2000 using 60% of the field of professionals. Every player tested showed an improvement with the QLink, and the vast majority showed a huge improvement. With the QLink, players were nearly five times more likely to reach the ideal target zone, than without it, when measured on the FDA approved BioMeridian system.

The QLink helps regulate homeostasis and boosts resistance to the effects of stress. Studies conducted at the University of California at Irvine, Imperial College at London, University of Vienna's Institute of Cancer, University of Vienna's Institute of Environmental Health, and independent clinics have persuaded researchers of the QLink's benefits.
Blood Quality Improves with QLink!
Stress can deteriorate the condition of blood. Two different studies by microbiologist Robert Young stronglly suggest that as the QLink increases resistance to stress, blood quality improves. http://www.emfnews.org/chipcategory.html
The conclusions of this remarkable study support the experiences of QLink users who consistently report enhanced abilities to cope with physical, mental, emotional and environmental stress. This increased stress resistance strongly correlates to improved focus and performance.
