• 8 years ago
GABORONE, BOTSWANA — A couple of male African lions crossing a river in Botswana got a deadly surprise when they came under attack by one of the nastiest predators around — a massive crocodile.

Footage of the epic battle published on May 5 was captured by tourists on safari last month.

The tourists were out by the Wilderness Safaris' King's Pool tracking two lion brothers trying to cross the Linyanti river, when they suddenly spotted a dangerous threat swimming across the pond. The enormous crocodile approached with speed, but the younger lion did not detect him.

With the lions out of their element, the bloodthirsty crocodile unleashed a sneak attack. Refusing to watch his little brother be killed, the older lion swam in to fight.

Trading places in the underwater ring of death, the older lion was dragged underwater by the crocodile as his kid brother was able to swim away.

The brave lion, probably having had run ins with the reptiles before, also managed to swim free, pulling himself out of the water and into the reeds by the riverside.

Following the fight, he quickly gathered himself, only to see the younger brother he’d just saved had retreated to where they’d first entered the water.

When older brother returned for the siblings to reunite he found his little bro, mating with a lioness. While the older sibling could have challenged for mating rights to the female, he reportedly opted to let his younger brother have all the fun.


