Akshay Kumar receives his first National Award | Oneindia News

  • 7 years ago
Akshay Kumar received his first National Award from President Pranab mukherjee for his performance in 'Rustom. Kumar was accompanied by his actor-wife Twinkle Khanna and his son Aarav Kumar. The actor, who seemed to be on cloud nine, looked dapper in his black 'band gala'. Despite spending decades in film industry, Akshay's work in 'Rustom' earned him his first National Award for the 'Best Actor'. Akshay Kumar starrer Rustom was largely inspired from the famous 1959 case of KM Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra that changed the face of the Indian judicial system. Rustom, a naval officer, and Cynthia, his wife, are happily married. However, their lives change when he discovers her affair and is accused of murdering Vikram, her lover. This film was produced by Neeraj Pandey.
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