• 8 years ago
RevBrian& Erlinet & Joshua make up the Home-Base-Ministry of Word of Faith Charity, Ministering to the Prayer Mailing List spread through-out the South-East-China-Seas. We are self supported through our own contributions and the friends and partners of our mailing list.When the Spirit of Lord provides for to visit our mailing list we are available to go any place the provisions comes from. Last Christmas we was able to provide 400 sleeping mats and 400 bibles to the prisoners of Philippines. Thank you to all those whom purchased from us books and DVD's so we was able to raise funds for the plain tickets to go to the Philippines.We see ourselves going to many places around the world, like Malawi, Africa and Kenya, India, and USA. Please help us by giving a love gift through our website donations tab http://trafficbuilder3.com
We are giving our books and DVD's free to our mailing list, however we do need a love gift donations to pay for the postal costs of sending books, there are electronic downloads available also from the website and we ask you to be on our mailing list http://revbrianrichards.com
