• 8 years ago
This channel is dedicated for the fund raising for WORD OF FAITH CHARITY (Aust) part of the "WORD OF FAITH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL" and at the time of writing this we are developing, and cultivating, the gifts of the Holy Spirit by some inspirational teaching that is coming to us by the "Divine Appointment"that we believe the God of our Lord Jesus Christ is correcting the foundational teachings that was originally given by the Apostles & Prophets of old. There is no need for God to raise again the Apostles and Prophets to lay again the doctrines of acts 2:42-46 However the body of Christ has lost the original understandings, and meanings, of the Apostles doctrines, so there is a Prophetic anointing, and a special remnant of people God is using to correct the foundations to take us to the higher levels, for the perfecting of the Saints in the body of Christ. I believe that every true Prophet of God around the world would endorse this description and say yes, exactly what God is doing
RevBrian & Erlinet lives in Australia now and is raising funds for victims of flood and earthquakes in Philippines has a donation button on the website of http://divineconnexionsofchrist.com click on review or the contact button for free downloads. Help to make this a special ministry by the purchase of a book from the website mentioned.


