Man’s Half-Pint-A-Day Vodka Habit Calcifies His Pancreas

  • 7 years ago
A 50-year-old man in Pennsylvania who said he’d been drinking half a pint of vodka every day for 15 years was found to have pancreas riddled with calcium deposits.

Drinking half a pint of vodka a day for 15 years is the sort of thing that probably seems like a good idea when one is doing it but won’t likely end well. 
A 50-year-old man in Pennsylvania now knows all too well the toll that level of alcohol can take on the body. 
According to a case report published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine, the patient showed up at the Mercy Catholic Medical Center’s emergency department complaining of vomiting blood and experiencing frequent diarrhea.
A CT scan revealed his pancreas was inflamed and riddled with calcium deposits. 
Doctors diagnosed him with chronic pancreatitis and prescribed enzyme supplements to aid in the organ’s functionality. 
The man was also enrolled in a rehabilitation program for alcohol abuse.
For those suffering from chronic pancreatitis, drinking alcohol is especially risky as it can trigger a return of symptoms. 
