Diablo II: The Pit, on /players 8 (druid)

  • 8 years ago
Doing a Pit run on my "Great Mauls of Fire" druid, on /players 8 mode. Get ready for a long one. I forgot to scout the area first (to find where the entrance to The Pit is), and I went in without a warm-up (to get used to how my bear plays), along with a few brain farts along the way, sooo, yeah . . .

I've also started using a new screen recorder instead of my usual one (FRAPS), Bandicam. It slows down gameplay from 25 fps to 15 fps, which is hard on the eyes and can throw off my rhythm at times. But on the upside, my videos don't take up so much damn space (on FRAPS, 15 mins = ~10GB :O ), so I guess there's a tradeoff.

P.S. And yes I use a character editor, but aside from an occasional tweak here and there it was only used to make hacked charms and a shared stash. Everything else is self-found. And if you look close, you'll notice it can take me quite a while to kill some stuff (even on /players 1, although I don't do it on this run), and I'll even nearly die in some places. So no, dying or taking unnecessarily long on quests/runs isn't much fun, but then again being invincible with one-shot power is not my idea of fun either. If you don't approve of it, at least respect it.
