Diablo II: Chaos Sanctuary

  • 8 years ago
This is the Terror's End quest, done on my "Immortal King Conc" barbarian. This is a long one, mainly due to the fact that I have to take it pretty slow here and I don't like to skip battles if I can help it (I've seen players get killed here when they do this, plus double-looting is always fun). I'm not a speedrunner. Otherwise, enjoy! :]

P.S. And yes I use a character editor, but aside from an occasional tweak here and there it was only used to make hacked charms and a shared stash. Everything else is self-found. And if you look close, you'll notice it can take me quite a while to kill some stuff, even on /players 1. And I'll even nearly die in some places. So no, dying or taking unnecessarily long on quests/runs isn't much fun, but then again being invincible with one-shot power is not my idea of fun either. If you don't approve of it, at least respect it.
