4 Show 2016 - MIKA Taxi "MECHANIC" (Eng sub)

  • 8 anni fa
DreamlandGirl - www.youtube.com/c/dreamlandgirl.
00:06I need a coffee!
00:11On the right.
00:20Mamma mia! What have I done?
00:27We've got a problem with right wheel.
00:43And it's not even my wheel, guys !
00:53- So, Mika… - So, this is your taxi, what have I done to your taxi?
00:59You got a flat tyre. Let's go to…
01:02I'll pay for it, don't worry
01:05I'll get the compressor and try to reinflate the tyre. Then we'll go to tyre dealer, because we can't drive now.
01:15It happens sometime.
01:19Press this button - Yes
01:22I can hear the "pshh" of the tyre.
01:36Look, it works! Are we going to get a new one?
01:42Is it expensive to fix it? 5 €?! A little more !
01:52There's a piece of glass - A piece of glass? So it's not my fault ? It's good news!
01:58We'll fix it very soon - Let's go, quickly.
02:07Here we are. I'll negotiate ! - All right !
02:13Hello, I'm Mika. Nice to meet you. So, I'm driving this taxi in Catania today
02:23I'm not doing it very well, because of a glass splinter - We can fix it - This is my pit stop
02:29May I help you? - Do you want a pair of gloves? - Yes
02:34- Do you want to remove it? - Yes - I'll help you
02:38I have a flat tyre and we'll fix it with some chewing gum (Mika singing)
02:55- Why cannot I do it…? - Too hard. Take the wrench.
03:09Do you think this is the fault of this glass splinter?
03:14No, it looks like cut, maybe against the sidewalk
03:28Can it be fixed? - I can try - Right now? - Yes
03:40That's why it won't get fixed - Is it my fault? Did I do this? - Yes
03:48- I transformed the inside of your tyre into this, into dust
03:55 It can't be fixed - I'll buy a new one
04:03How much? - 70 € - Fine
04:26Press it. - We made it! - Number one!
04:36- Let's go.
